MySQL Community Awards 2018: the Winners

The MySQL Community Awards initiative is an effort to acknowledge and thank individuals and corporations for their contributions to the MySQL ecosystem. It is a from-the-community, by-the-community, and for-the-community effort. The committee is composed of an independent group of community members of different orientation and opinion, themselves past winners or known contributors to the community.

The 2018 community awards were presented on April 23, 2018, during the Welcome Reception at the Percona Live conference. The winners are:

MySQL Community Awards: Community Contributor of the year 2018

  • Jean-François Gagné
    Jean-François was nominated for his many blog posts, bug reports, and experiment results that make MySQL much better. Here is his blog:
  • Sveta Smirnova
    Sveta spreads knowledge and good practice on all things MySQL as a frequent speaker and blogger. Her years of experience in testing, support, and consulting are shared in webinars, technical posts, conferences around the world and in her book “MySQL Troubleshooting”.

MySQL Community Awards: Application of the year 2018

  • MyRocks
    MyRocks is now in MariaDB, Percona Server and PolarDB (Alibaba). Intel, MariaDB and Rockset are optimizing it for cloud native storage. It will soon be available for MySQL 8.x. As a bonus, they have engaged with academia to explain how to make tuning easier.
  • ProxySQL
    ProxySQL made an appearence at the awards for a second year in a row, this time for the product as a whole, rather than just its creator, because it is just so popular. It solves serious, real-world problems experienced by DBAs in an elegant way. Here is what some of the nominations said: “ProxySQL is a great alternative for MaxScale and MySQL Proxy. Many companies are using it in production. It is simple, easy to configure, and works reliably!” “great results, frequent updates and support from a committed team”
  • Vitess
    Vitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL. Originally developed at YouTube/Google and now under CNCF, Vitess is free and open source and aims to solve scaling problems for MySQL installations. Vitess enjoys an active contributing community, runs in production at such companies such as Square and Slack, and being evaluated and adopted by many others. Vitess has a public, active and welcoming Slack channel. “Vitess helps users scale MySQL by making sharding painless. It minimizes changes needed on the application side, and at the same time simplifies the management of shards.”

MySQL Community Awards: Corporate Contributor of the year 2018

  • Alibaba Cloud
    Alibaba Cloud authors AliSQL, a free and open source MySQL branch. They both take patches from various contributors as well as provide Alibaba Cloud’s own at-scale patches for the MySQL server, that are innovative and disrupting.
    Alibaba Cloud has made an investment in MariaDB, that will no doubt help in keeping the MySQL ecosystem competitive and thriving

Alexey Kopytov
Baron Schwartz
Bill Karwin
Colin Charles
Daniël van Eeden
Eric Herman
Frédéric Descamps
Justin Swanhart
Mark Leith
Santiago Lertora
Shlomi Noach
Simon Mudd

Agustín Gallego
Emily Slocombe

Thank you to this year’s anonymous sponsor for donating the goblets. Thank you to Colin Charles for acquiring and transporting the goblets. Thank you to  Santiago Lertora for our website!

Here are some more photos from leFred Descamps during the event:


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